Thursday, March 20, 2008

Kepimpinan Plin-Plan Mencurigai Rakyat

My comments on the cabinet line-up, the current political situation and so on.

My answer will be..."Kepimpinan Plin-Plan Mencurigai Rakyat".

Perkataan Plin-Plan sering digunakkan didalam penulisan dan pertuturan oleh masyarakat diIndonesia.

Secara teori, plin-plan itu sering diertikan sebagai indecisiveness. Ini adalah ketidakmampuan kita dalam menentukan keputusan atau bersikap dengan alasan-alasan yang sangat tidak kuat.

Orang plin-plan itu adalah orang yang gampang melakukan bongkar-pasang rencana, keputusan atau penyikapan. Plin-plan ini dipahami sebagai lawan dari kepercayaan-diri (self-confidence) atau pede (kepercayaan diri).

Orang yang plin-plan itu adalah orang yang pedenya tidak bagus, belum bagus, atau perlu diperbaiki.


Lihat sahaja perlantikan Barisan Kabinet Baru..

a) Perlantikan bekas Menteri Besar Selangor, Tan Sri Muhammad @ UMNO's Mike Tyson..kita masih teringat kerja-kerja yang telah beliau lakukan.

Tan Sri Muhammad, who was caught with millions in various country bills leaving Australia almost ten years ago turned a lot heads when he was acquitted by a Brisbane court for admitting in court his understanding of English was very poor.How could you get caught in Australia carrying millions in cash and got away because you can't speak english. How on earth can a public servant, a high ranking one ,go to Thailand to marry the Late Sutan of Selangor's daughter without the father's consent and still remain as MB- commented by someone.

b) Perlantikan Dr Mashitah untuk memperjuangkan Islam Hadhari..pasti ramai orang islam yang tidak mengemari beliau kerana mempermainkan hukum allah.

Dr. Mashitah Jawab’ di Harian Metro bertarikh 19 Jun 2005 yang bertajuk “Jual Diri Kerana Terdesak”.

c) All ministers in the new cabinet as well as deputy ministers must declare their assets, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said.

Heard about the word 'proxies and nominees' just need to appoint a lawyer and ask Datuk Mohd Zahid Ibrahim or even Mr. Takhsin..they are specialist on this matter!

Datuk Mohd Zaid Ibrahim as Minister in the Prime Minister's Department entrusted with the responsibility of restoring the people's confidence in the judicial system.

The list can go on...

Dear Yang Berhormats...please don't create pollution on this lovely country, Malaysia.

In my previous Let's Go Green article, i've written on "Pollution-The Cause Of Destruction", well similarly in politics, Corruption And Greed Will Destroy A Nation!

Khalifah of Allah

For Muslims, everything in the world that occurs, good or evil, has been preordained and nothing can happen unless permitted by God. Although events are pre-ordained, man possesses free will in that he has the faculty to choose between right and wrong, and is thus responsible for his actions

Let us strengthen our taqwa to Allah. Let us perform all that He commands. And let us leave all that He forbids. One of the things that Allah has forbidden us is to destroy this earth that He has created. Allah has created Mankind as a khalifah of this earth. Our purpose is to make it prosper not to destroy it.

Allah does not like those who destroy things as Allah says in surah Al-Baqarah ayat 205: When he turns his back, his aim everywhere is to spread mischief through the earth and destroy crops and cattle. But Allah does not love mischief.

Research has shown that this world is almost 4.5 billion years old. If we compare this to the lifespan of Mankind in totally, we will found that Man has existed on this earth for a time equivalent to less than 1% of the age of this earth. One percent of 4.5 billion years!

But. The amount of destruction that Man has created on this earth is tremendous. Its almost like a person who, although has perfect hearing abilities, is now deaf and unable to hear anything because the "pollution" he is in has destroyed his hearing abilities. This is what Man has done to his fellow creations. This is how we have caused our fellow creations to suffer. Is this what we know as a khalifah of Allah?

Instead, we have destroyed it.

Allah s.w.t. has said in surah Ar-Rum ayat 41: Meaning:Mischief has appeared on land and sea because of that the hands of men have earned. That (Allah) may give them a taste of some of their deeds: in order that they may turn back (from evil).

This ayat clearly tells us that the pollution that takes place on the face of this earth today is caused by mankind. And Man will eventually suffer the effects of it. This is so that Man will realize the consequences of his own destructive actions. This is so that Man will learn to repent and will stop his acts of destruction on the earth.

Surely, the actions to destroy this earth and the environment is forbidden in Islam.

And surely the cause of such destruction is the greed of Man. Mankind is increasingly becoming greedy. Greedy to decorate their lives in this short existence they have on this earth. Mankind is increasingly greedy for wealth.

To accumulate wealth Mankind has to speed up the economy. And to speed up the economy Man has to exploit the earth's natural reserves and creatures. Forests are destroyed. Wild animals are used for sports. Factories are happily releasing poisonous gasses. More and more vehicles spot the face of this earth. Its like, Mankind, slowly but surely, are killing themselves and killing the other creatures on this earth.

Know, that a person who has iman, a person who has faith, will not destroy things on this earth. This is because Islam is a religion of peace. It brings peace to Mankind. And it brings peace to all other creations of Allah on this earth. Indeed, the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. has been appointed as the mercy to this world. So a person who truly believes, who truly has faith will not destroy others.

They are characterized by Allah s.w.t in surah Haj ayat 41: Meaning, They are those who if we establish them in the land, establish regular prayer and give regular charity, enjoing the right and forbid wrong : with Allah rests the end (and decision) of (all) affairs.

Let us reduce the "pollution" on this earth by reducing our greed for the material things of this world. Let us make the life on this earth better. Better not only for ourselves but also for Allah's creations. That is what is meant by being a khalifah of Allah on this earth.

In Malaysia Today...

Need to know more on current political issues? (i don't think i need to write on this)..tons of articles in Malaysia Today :-OPEN LETTER TO THE NEW CABINET : LEAVE NOW ..they're good info for rakyat to read.

Whoever crosses the finishing line first with 112 Members of Parliament wins. And it could be Anwar or it could be Tengku Razaleigh. If it is Anwar, then Barisan Rakyat will form the new government, and if it is Tengku Razaleigh, then Barisan Nasional will remain in office.


Special Rights of Malays Already Protected in the Constitution. NEP is UMNO's Creation - The Malays Have Been Lied!


"... Kebelakangan ini Umno dan media massa yang dimilikinya begitu riuh meratapi apa yang mereka dakwa sebagai pengkhianatan Dasar Ekonomi Baru (DEB).

Dan tak semena-mena para ahli dan penyokong Umno sedar bahawa tunjuk perasaan dan berhimpun secara aman perlu untuk mereka. Selama ini mereka mengutuk perhimpunan aman dan mendakwa ia akan menjadi punca keganasan.

Apakah DEB itu? Mengikut Profesor Dr. AbdulAziz Bari:

"Sebenarnya DEB itu BUKAN undang-undang; ia hanyalah dasar atau polisi UMNO yang kemudiannya diserapkan ke dalam peraturan dan pekeliling kerajaan, termasuk dalam soal pembahagian tender kontrak dan sebagainya."

Beliau menambah, setahu beliau tidak ada dokumen rasmi yang menjelaskan asal usul, perincian dan pencapaian dasar ini yang dikatakan dimulakan pada 1971.

Jadi DEB, Rukunegara, Wawasan 2020 dan Islam Hadhari ini hanyalah gimik setiap Perdana Menteri yang dicipta untuk dijadikan slogan masing-masing.

Dasar dan slogan ini terkubur dengan kematian atau perletakan jawatan Perdana Menteri berkenaan. Dan seolah-olah mereka sengaja meletakkan tarikh penamat gimik-gimik itu jauh di hadapan; semacam hendak mempastikan bahawa mereka sudah tiada apabila dasar itu tamat.

Oleh kerana DEB sekadar dasar dan gimik Umno, maka TIDAK SALAH jika Kerajaan DAP di Pulau Pinang tidak melaksanakannya.

DEB hanyalah satu program di bawah Perkara 153 yang melindungi kedudukan istimewa Melayu.

Umno dan media menggambarkan seolah-olah DAP telah melanggar Perlembagan atau undang-undang.

Walau apa pun, Dr. Abdul Aziz menyambung, kita tidak pasti sama ada ia masih berjalan atau tidak kerana pada awalnya DEB, yang dimulakan pada 1970, hendak ditamatkan pada 1990. Tetapi oleh kerana ia gagal maka ia pun dilanjutkan. Umno jelas takut dipertanggung jawabkan atas kegagalan DEB itu.

Malangnya masyarakat Melayu melihat DEB seperti keramat yang tidak boleh dikritik apa lagi dikesampingkan.

Tragedi yang berlaku di sini ialah dasar-dasar itu tidak pernah dibincang dan dinilai secara telus, sebaliknya ia diwar-warkan ke sana ke mari untuk tujuan politik dan mengugut orang Melayu.

"Yang mengikat dan menjadi peraturan kita ialah Perlembagaan, dan ia mengikat semua orang, tak kira Melayu atau tidak," kata Dr. Abdul Aziz lagi..."

Next...PETRONAS will be declaring it's profit soon...(financial year ending March 31, 2008)

For the financial year ended March 31, 2007, Petronas’ net profit was RM46.4 billion on sales of RM184 billion. Total assets grew 8 per cent to RM285 billion and shareholders funds rose 17 per cent to RM171 billion.

For the year to March 2007, the national oil corporation paid over RM48 billion — through taxes, dividends, royalties and export duties — to the federal government.

Petronas extended almost RM16 billion in gas subsidies to power producers — Tenaga Nasional and Independent Powers Producers (IPPs) included — and other industries including industrial users reluctant to pay the market price for gas.

More details soon...